doppler ultrasound

Diabetic foot assessment and advice

Nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor circulation (blood flow) are the main causes of diabetic foot problems. It is therefore advisable to have your feet checked by a medical professional at least once or twice a year should you experience either of these. Any changes can be detected early on meaning that any further problems or damage to your feet can be prevented.


At Feetwise Footcare we will assess your feet in 4 ways:

1. Musculoskeletal assessment: foot structure and deformities will be examined.

2. Neurological assessment: nerve supply and sensation will be tested and results recorded (we use a 10g monofilament and a tuning fork).

3. Vascular assessment: foot pulses will be listened to using Doppler ultrasound.

4. Skin assessment: the health and integrity of the skin will be checked and any issues, such as corns, callus or athletes foot, will be noted and advice on further treatment given.

As a result of this assessment we will be able to give you an indication of whether there is a low, moderate or high risk of you developing a diabetic foot problem.

Please call or pop in to book your appointment

We are based within The Wargrave Dental Clinic

68a Wargrave High Street,
RG10 8BY

Opening Hours:

Tuesday - 9am - 5pm 
Wednesday - 9.00am – 5.00pm
Thursday - 9.30am – 5:00pm

Our reception is open:

Monday - Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm