Please meet the latest member of our team

Please meet the latest member of our team

Welcome to Fabia who graduated in 2018 from Southampton University with a 2:1 in Podiatric Medicine. She has been working full time for the NHS but has, now, decided to split her week between the private and NHS sector. When she is not at work, Fabia enjoys spending...
Nail Reconstruction Training Day

Nail Reconstruction Training Day

Nail Reconstruction Training Day 18th October 2019 Alison ran her first Wilde Pedique nail reconstruction training day for some of her colleagues in Surrey. It was a successful day and the feedback was very positive. She is looking to repeat the training day again...
SWIFT Microwave Verruca Therapy

SWIFT Microwave Verruca Therapy

SWIFT Microwave Verruca Therapy 5th October 2019 We are delighted to announce that we are now able to offer the SWIFT microwave verruca therapy and will be holding a verruca clinic every Monday, starting on Monday 4th November. These treatments will be provided by...